The Proven Platter – Vietnam, November 2023
This month, we span the globe with two featured grantees. And there is no reason your chapter meeting’s meal – or your family menu for the week – can’t be an eclectic celebration of both! Details
This month, we span the globe with two featured grantees. And there is no reason your chapter meeting’s meal – or your family menu for the week – can’t be an eclectic celebration of both! Details
It seems like yesterday and a lifetime ago that gathering together freely with friends and family hardly required a second thought. Whether your chapter is meeting virtually or in-person, we want to revive an old Rise tradition this month. In years past, former recipe curator Linda McElroy created an eclectic menu near the end of each year, offering suggestions for a party to celebrate winter holidays at a November or December meeting. As many of us gather with family and friends this month, we can share food that honors the rich cultures of our sisters around the globe. It might even be an opportunity to tell others about Together Women Rise and invite them to join in our collaborative efforts to increase gender equality. Details
Though the start of 2022 has brought with it continued global upheaval due to the pandemic and a devastating conflux of crises in Afghanistan, the first quarter of this new year is an important one for Together Women Rise, its grantee partners, and its members. For the first time, there is a deliberate focus on mental health and trauma recovery in this quarter. Details
When you make a purchase, it is often an opportunity to do far more than make a wardrobe change or add to your home décor. You can make a real difference in the lives of women around the world!
Dining for Women’s grantees are located around the world, but many work in West Africa. For the past year, the burdens of recovery from war, inadequate infrastructure and the struggle for education, health care and, in many cases, survival have been overshadowed by the fight against Ebola. In a three-part series, Dining for Women takes a closer look at this disease. In April, we focus on the basics. In May, we take a look at how a past Dining for Women grantee played a critical role in containing the outbreak. Finally, in June, we look at the current state of this outbreak. Details
The chocolate industry is worth an estimated $110 billion a year. Do you know your candy bar’s story? Details
Puberty education and access to affordable menstrual hygiene supplies can change the lives of women and girls, preventing lost time at school and work that can translate directly to a better quality of life. Details
This infographic packs a lot of facts about menstrual hygiene in developing countries. Menstrual Hygiene Day began in 2014 as a way to generate awareness about menstruation and water, sanitation and hygiene development initiatives. Details
When ordinary people are suddenly and inexplicably surrounded by war, life as they know it can cease to exist. They become the collateral damage. They are teachers, cab drivers, lawyers, bakers, mothers, fathers, children – all running away from devastation and toward the unknown. Details
© 2025 Together Women Rise
Together Women Rise is registered as a nonprofit 501c3 organization. EIN 20-0031928