International Day of the Girl 2014
Educating girls may be the key to changing the world, but it’s not as simple as providing books, pencils and school uniforms. Girls’ education involves safety and security, health and wellness, reproductive education, and even educating parents to value and support their daughter’s education. To celebrate the 2014 Day of the Girl (Oct. 11), Dining for Women sat down with three of our programs to talk about their holistic approaches — what they do, how it’s working and what cultural shifts they are seeing in their parts of the world.
Joining DFW’s Interim Program Director Veena Khandke were Maggie Doyne, founder of BlinkNow; Alisa Roadcup, executive director of Heshima Kenya, and Robin Woodland, development and communication director of the Nepal Youth Foundation. What followed was an inspiring discussion. And a final call to action from Maggie: “Get off our butts and do it!” Amen, sister!