Global Fund for Widows (GFW)

Project Title: Brookbank Project-Fostering Economic Independence and Justice for Widows in Kenya

Location: Kenya

Grant Amount: $49,895

Grantee Website:

Areas of Impact: Economic Sustainability, Education & Literacy, Gender Equality, Health

Mission of Global Fund for Widows (GFW)
Global Fund for Widows (GFW) empowers widows and female heads of households to overcome poverty in developing countries through skills-based training, micro-finance, and the establishment of Widows’ Savings and Loan Associations.

Of the 285 million widows in the developing world, 115 million live in abject poverty, and many experience physical and sexual abuse, disinheritance, exploitation, and violence. This project offers widows in Kenya economic opportunity, financial literacy, access to capital, knowledge, and health care. This project will also train and certify women as community paralegals to assist other women as they negotiate their futures as widows.

Why We Love This
We love that this project focuses on vulnerable poor widows in Kenya who are facing exploitation, disinheritance, and unstable futures. Kenya has ratified gender equality legislation, but widows continue to be impacted by lack of information and harmful traditional practices. By providing knowledge, legal, economic, and social support, the Global Fund for Widows is working to get Kenya’s widows to claim their rightful place in Kenyan society.


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