India Literacy Project

Project Title: India Literacy Project

Location: India

Grant Amount: $46,009

Grantee Website:

Areas of Impact: Education & Literacy

Mission of India Literacy Project
To be a catalyst for 100% literacy in India by empowering the individuals we serve with functional literacy and an understanding of their basic rights and responsibilities.

Dining for Women's collective donations will serve 61 tribal villages with girls’ education scholarships, job skills training, and implementation of women’s self-help groups.

Why We Love This
Dining for Women’s funding will create a dramatic impact to this remote tribal area in the ILP Voices 2state of Orissa where girls and women have suffered from abysmal female literacy rates, meager income generation opportunities, a high rate of female sex trafficking, and lack of women’s empowerment. ILP’s holistic and long term approach addresses issues that women and girls face on a daily basis:
• Scholarships will provide two years of education for girls of all ages.
• Funding for critical job skills training and adolescent clubs for girls will provide increased opportunities for local jobs, reduce the incidence of sex trafficking and decrease migration from villages.
• Additionally, mobilizing women through self-help groups, Mothers’ Committees and other initiatives will enable women to understand their rights, make informed decisions for themselves and their families and support education for their children.


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