Upaya Social Ventures

Location: India
Grant Amount: $50,000
Grantee Website: www.upayasv.org/
Mission of Upaya Social Ventures
Upaya Social Ventures provides investment and support to early-stage companies creating dignified jobs for people in extreme poverty.
Upaya is building an evidence base and capacity to tackle the gender wage gap among jobs created for people living in extreme poverty. Upaya will gather valuable insights on the gendered experience of jobholders in its portfolio, measure the disproportionate impact of extreme poverty on women, and define effective methods to overcome the widening gender wage gap in rural India. Findings from the analysis will be used to help entrepreneurs design sustainable jobs for women and increase their access to equal and just pay.
Why We Love This
We love this because it creates dignified jobs for women and elevates social impact investing. It provides an innovative approach to helping to create workplace policies as part of social franchising for businesses.