What are “Chocotejas?” They are a sweet confection, similar to truffles or turtles. Melted chocolate is poured into a mold, followed by a spoon of dulce de leche. Next, a piece of dried fruit or nut is pressed into the center. More melted chocolate tops off this creation.
If you don’t have candy molds, I suspect an ice cube tray lined with plastic wrap would work perfectly fine. An egg carton could sub in a pinch as well. Or, more simply, put a tablespoon of dulce de leche between two pecan halves, cover with melted chocolate, and cool in the fridge.
For more on the history of this famous confection, please see http://perudelights.com/chocotejas-confections-from-the-desert/.
This is more of a template for you to create your own confection. Be creative!
Melted dark chocolate
Dulce de leche, purchased, or make your own – See https://togetherwomenrise.org/recipes/caramel-cookie-sandwiches-alfajores-tested/
Pecan halves, walnut halves, hazelnuts, etc.
Candied orange or lemon peel
Dried figs, dates, or other dried fruits
Pour a thin layer of melted chocolate into your mold.
When the chocolate is firm and dry, fill with a spoonful of dulce de leche.
Press a nut or piece of dried fruit into the caramel.
Cover with more chocolate and put in the fridge to firm up. Unmold and arrange on a serving tray.
Notes and Instructions
Recipe credit: Linda McElroy, adapted from Peru Delights
Photo credit: Morena Escardó, with permission