Coconut and Cardamom Mandazi (Ugandan donuts)

Dry yeast — 1 tsp
Water, warm — ½ cup
All-purpose flour — 3 cups
Granulated sugar — ¾ cup
Coconut grated, unsweetened — ½ cup
Cinnamon — 1 tsp
Cardamom, powdered — 1 tsp
Salt — ½ tsp
Egg — 1
Vanilla extract – 1 tsp
Milk (whole or coconut) — ½ cup
Oil/butter for greasing dish
Neutral oil for frying
Confectioners (powdered) sugar for dusting
Stand mixer (optional)
Wok or frying pan
- Add the dry yeast to the warm water and set aside for the yeast to bloom (activate). Note: water should not be hot, but lukewarm.
- Grease a bowl to store dough and set aside.
- In a stand mixer or mixing bowl, add flour, sugar (I used brown sugar to give depth of flavor), coconut flakes, cinnamon, cardamom and salt.
- Mix well to incorporate all the dry ingredients.
- Add egg and mix (at low speed if using stand mixer).
- Now add the water/yeast mixture. It should be frothy, and the yeast granules should be dissolved.
- Mix to incorporate and then add the milk and knead the dough until it pulls apart from the sides of the bowl and can be picked up as ball of dough.
- Transfer the dough to the greased bowl and cover with a towel and set aside for 1 – 2 hours until dough rises.
- Roll out the dough to about 1-inch thickness and cut into squares or triangles.
- Heat oil in the frying pan and add the dough and fry till golden brown. They puff up and brown pretty quickly.
- Dust with confectioners’ sugar and serve hot.
Notes and Instructions
Recipe and photo credit: Vinola V. Munyon