Grilled Eggplants and Pork


2 slender, purple Asian eggplants
½ pound ground pork
3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
2 small red shallots, peeled and chopped
2 stalks of lemongrass, tender inner part of the bottom third
only, sliced (you can substitute a bit of ginger ground finely in a
mortar and mixed with lemon zest)
2 T fish sauce (Tiparos Brand Fish Sauce can often be found in the Asian section of the grocery store)
1 tsp brown sugar
1 bunch cilantro leaves


Grill the eggplants under the broiler until the skin is black and the flesh is soft. Cut them in half length-­‐wise scrape the flesh out with a spoon and chop it roughly. Heat a wok or skillet and stir-­‐fry the pork, garlic, shallots and lemongrass until golden. Add the eggplant flesh and cook for 2 minutes. Add the fish sauce and the sugar and mix well. Serve garnished with the cilantro leaves.


Notes and Instructions

From Cambodian Cooking, by Joannes Riviere. Periplus Publications. Purchasing this cookbook (available through Amazon) helps the organization Act for Cambodia, which works with street children.