Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice

Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice

Together Women Rise (Rise) and Equimundo share a core belief: that men and boys are essential partners and allies in achieving global gender equality. That is why Rise selected Equimundo to receive a Transformation Partnership Grant in the amount of $200,000, over two years, in order to further Equimundo’s critical work around the globe. Details

Impact Partnership Grants Fund Collaborative Approach to Gender Equality

Thanks to your generous support of Together Women Rise in 2021, our Board has approved two, $50,000 Impact Partnership Grants to AMPLIFY Girls and The Colectivo.

In the past, we awarded Impact Partnership Grants to UNICEF USA and the Peace Corps. Our new Impact Partnership Grants are taking us in a new direction, funding “collectives” — networks of organizations working together to increase their impact on a shared goal. “By funding this collective approach, we can have a deeper impact and more sustainable outcomes for women and girls,” said Betsy Smulyan, Interim President and CEO. “We are particularly excited to invest in AMPLIFY and The Colectivo because these networks include several of Rise’s past grantees.”


Apr, 2019

DFW Partners with UNICEF to Address Rohingya Refugee Crisis

More than 16,000 Rohingya babies were born in refugee camps and informal settlements in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh from August 2017 – May 2018 after a spike in violence in Rakhine State, Myanmar forced thousands of families to flee their homes across the border. Details

Nov, 2017

Uplifting Women and Girls Is the Key to Solving the World’s Problems

By Mansi Mehta, Manager, Global Cause Partnerships

Prevent gender-based violence in South Sudan:

On February 20, 2017, famine was declared in South Sudan, deepening the already existing humanitarian crisis in the region. Today, more than 2 million people have been displaced by violence in South Sudan. Of those fleeing the conflict, 87 percent are women and children, meaning 1.3 million children need our help to protect their childhood.

Women and children are facing immediate risks of violence, displacement, life-threatening diseases and hunger. In addition to this, Details

Nov, 2017

Solving Problems That Seem Too Big

When the temperatures recently dropped, I enjoyed an evening curling up by the fire to read to my family after filling our bellies with great food (happily, my husband does most of the cooking).  Warmth, shelter, safety, food, family connection. These are simple pleasures in life that I know not to take for granted and I know that other Dining for Women members don’t either. Details

Mar, 2016

DFW is Closest Thing to Peace Corps Experience

By Peggy Smith, Mid-Atlantic Regional Leader and Returned Peace Corps Volunteer

Ask any Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV) about their experience and they will tell you, “It changed my life”. Yes, we come home after working as a volunteer in a Third World country to clean water, hot showers, comfortable beds, nice dwellings and clean sanitation, but with a passion that does not dissipate. We have to get involved, to do something, to continue to serve a need. So, we volunteer in soup kitchens, teach English to the newly-arrived from developing countries, work with the Junior League, help with outreach at our church — and for many, we join Dining for Women. Details

Mar, 2016

DFW Supports Peace Corps’ Let Girls Learn Program

On March 8th – International Women’s Day – Dining for Women announced its first Strategic Partnership with a $100,000 commitment to the Peace Corps’ Let Girls Learn Fund in support of girls’ education. On that day, we were honored to participate in a special event with First Lady Michelle Obama in Washington DC to support the Let Girls Learn Initiative. (See White House Fact Sheet) Details