Bumi Sehat

Project Title: Gentle Safe Free Childbirth

Location: Indonesia

Grant Amount: $45,000

Grantee Website: www.bumisehatfoundation.org

Areas of Impact: Health

Mission of Bumi Sehat
Bumi Sehat means Healthy Earth Mother. We believe that access to quality healthcare, especially reproductive healthcare, is a human right. Our service is built on three principals: Respect for Nature, Respect for Culture, Wisdom in Medicine. We believe that by supporting women with dignity and respect in the process of childbirth, a foundation for peace is built, one woman, one child at a time for each individual is a miracle of hope and a promise of peace.

The program will cover the salary of the 11 staff midwives at Bumi Sehat Bali for one year, and also support essential life-saving medicines and supplies used in childbirth.

The goal is to deliver safe, kind, hygienic, natural, culturally appropriate reproductive healthcare as a human right, to each patient that presents at Bumi Sehat.

DFW’s funding will pay for salaries, medicine and medical supplies.

Why We Love This
Bumi Sehat incorporates homeopathic methods along with standard medicine to ensure the safe and humane treatment of women before, during and after childbirth.


Location Map