The main objective of Matrichaya is to provide education, self-employment, and healthcare to the under-privileged children and women in Ranchi, India.
With sustained funding of $45,000 over 3 years from Dining for Women, 2,265 women will be direct beneficiaries of Matrichaya’s program Health, Occupational Preparedness, and Education (HOPE), in the course of vocational training, medical aid, legal aid, and awareness campaigns. Additionally, 150 women will receive basic literacy over the course of the 3-year program. The indirect impact of HOPE is 12,684 individuals based on the assumption that the average household size in Jharkhand is 5.6 persons.
The impact of literacy on the families of literate women is manifold. Women who are educated or vocationally trained have a higher likelihood of becoming financially independent. They are aware of the opportunities available for their children and the importance of education and formal training. Their attendance in health awareness camps will lead to implementation of effective health, hygienic and better nutritional practices at home, leading to healthier, happier children with better present and brighter futures.
Matrichaya’s belief is that the benefits of HOPE are immeasurable, because healthy, vocationally trained, economically independent, literate, legally aware women will have greater involvement in activities that build communities and help improve lives that will eventually make the world a better place.
2006 Featured Grant Info
Project Title: Matrichaya
Location: India
Grant Amount: $3,602
Grantee Website: www.matrichaya.org/
Areas of Impact: Education & Literacy
Mission of Matrichaya, India: Featured (2006), Sustained (2013-2015)
Matrichaya is a non-profit organization that seeks to eliminate illiteracy and create social and economic independence for underprivileged women. They do so by providing primary education to children, literacy and vocational training to women and young girls, and basic health care in rural tribal villages and slum areas of Ranchi, Jharkhand. TWR funds will be used for: Basic and Adult Women Literacy Programs; Vocational Training in Mushroom Cultivation, Stitching, Jewelry Design, and Beauty Parlor Assistance.
Matrichaya is a nonprofit organization that seeks to eliminate illiteracy and create social and economic independence for underprivileged women. They do so by providing primary education to children, literacy and vocational training to women and young girls, and basic health care in rural tribal villages and slum areas of Ranchi, Jharkhand. TWR funds will be used for: Basic and Adult Women Literacy Programs; Vocational Training in Mushroom Cultivation, Stitching, Jewelry Design, and Beauty Parlor Assistance.
Why We Love This
Jharkhand, a state in eastern India, is home to 32 tribal groups. One is of the poorest and least developed areas in the country, here more than half of females above age 15 are illiterate. To help the women in this area, Matrichaya has adopted seven villages and slum areas; supported primary education for 125 children/year; and provided adult literacy for 80 women, ocational training for more than 400 women and girls, and microloans for more than 100 women. They've built two health centers with 55 patients/week; five monthly health check-up camps; and four to five eye Check-up Camps with 60 patients/camp, among other programs. Through Matrichaya, TWR has been able to provided a separate scholarship program, the Sarah Manly Fund, that supports secondary education for girls beyond Matrichaya's grade levels.
Location Map