Women’s Justice Initiative

Project Title: Community Advocates: Training Women Leaders to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls and Increase Access to Justice in Rural Guatemala.

Location: Guatemala

Grant Amount: $45,000

Grantee Website: womens-justice.org/

Areas of Impact: Gender Equality

Mission of Women’s Justice Initiative
Women’s Justice Initiative empowers indigenous Guatemalan women and girls to improve their lives through education, access to legal services, and gender-based violence prevention.

This project aims to increase access to justice for Maya women living in 24 communities in Patzún, Chimaltenango by developing a network of Community Advocates who promote women’s rights at the local level.

Why We Love This
We love this project because of its legal focus on women's rights, its use of indigenous lawyers, and its promotion of advocacy. Women’s Justice Initiative programming also connects government and civil institutions to the communities they serve.


Location Map