We’ve Moved!
Dining for Women is still based in Greenville, South Carolina, but we have moved to an office that accommodates our needs and supports our staff much better, while also allowing for our future needs.
As part of our current strategic plan, DFW is committed to being a preferred employer, and this includes providing a positive working environment for our staff. We are fortunate that all of our wonderful employees have been with us for at least two years, and two-thirds of our employees have been with DFW for over five years. Our staff works very hard and are dedicated to DFW’s mission, and we want them to feel supported and appreciated.
Although we occupied our last office for about seven years, we experienced increasing challenges at this location, including inadequate space for staff offices and meetings, unreliable technology, noise issues, and absolutely no windows! When our lease ended, the board and I agreed that it was time to invest in a new office to improve our staff’s working environment and efficiency. For the first time, DFW staff have windows, private and quiet spaces, and updated and more reliable technology to do the important work of fulfilling our mission.
Since we owned very little furniture at our last office, we are grateful that DFW member Ellen Levey (and husband Larry) in Arizona connected us with a company that gave us 70% off the price of standing desks for our entire staff! In addition, through a contact obtained by staff member Veena Khandke, we also got a considerable amount of free, used furniture from local firm, GE.
Our staff are very happy with our new working environment:
“The quiet, secure work environment coupled with the standing desks makes a huge difference in energy and efficiency!” — Leslie Mason, Accounting Specialist.
“I love that I can look outside and see the light of day!” – Justine Allen, Member Engagement Coordinator.
Another great improvement is our new phone system that provides a staff directory and voice mail capabilities. In addition, our new office building provides free access to conference rooms for larger meetings such as those for our Board, Grant Selection Committee, Regional Leaders, and other volunteer committees. In the past, we had to pay for meeting locations since our last office could not accommodate these larger meetings.
The Board and I truly believe this new office is an investment in DFW’s staff, its mission, and its future! We welcome visitors and hope that you will come by anytime!
FYI, our mailing address and phone numbers remain the same:
P.O. Box 25633
Greenville, SC 29616