Chapter Profile: Together Women Rise in Belgium!
Although we are not accepting any new international chapters at this time, we have a few dedicated international “giving circles” (our international groups are called giving circles vs chapters) that have supported our mission for many years, including one in Brussels, Belgium!
This giving circle started in the summer of 2010 when Kasia Michaels heard a podcast about our organization, and fell in love with the concept of dining together and, in turn, helping raise funds for women and girls in developing countries. Kasia shared her idea with her international friends and the Brussels group met for the first time in September 2010. They have met monthly ever since and even managed to meet via Zoom several times during the pandemic.
The group’s membership is extremely international. Many of the members themselves are from or have experience working in various countries that Together Women Rise supports. Several presentations have been made by women who brought their own knowledge and personal experiences of the difficulties — particularly for women and girls — in countries we support.
The group has three leaders who send out invitations, deal with the signup, and send the contributions to the US: Ainhoa Pinilla from Spain, Fiona Marolt from the UK, and Kasia Michaels from Poland. Other members come from countries including Canada, the US, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, South Africa, Mexico, and Peru.
Thank you so much to this wonderful group of women and their long-time dedication to our organization!