Shop with a purpose
It’s often referred to as “shopping with a purpose”. But in business circles, it’s known as cause marketing, and it can be a win win for nonprofits, companies and consumers.
Simply put, cause marketing is a partnership or collaboration between a nonprofit organization and a for-profit company that benefits both parties. Typically, it involves the sale of a product or service with a designated percentage of profits donated back to the nonprofit. Nonprofits generate awareness and funds; companies have the potential to increase their sales, and consumers have the opportunity to buy products or services while supporting a cause that is important to them.
Cause marketing is not entirely new to Dining for Women. Many of our chapters have held successful fundraisers with organizations such as Ten Thousand Villages and Bead for Life where a percentage of sales have been donated to Dining for Women. But the potential for cause marketing has not been fully realized.
Since cause marketing can increase revenue as well as our exposure with little or no out-of-pocket costs, Dining for Women is launching a new cause marketing program. We are hoping to build relationships with companies and providers that align with our mission and that offer products or services that would be of interest to our members and the public-at-large.
To ensure consistency in our cause marketing efforts, we have developed a series of guidelines that include the criteria for potential partners and the process for proposals to be submitted, evaluated and approved. All cause marketing partnerships must be aligned with Dining for Women’s vision, mission, culture and core beliefs. They must involve products or services that are available online and can be provided nationally or internationally.
Our Cause Marketing Policy is available on the Marketplace page of our website, along with a form for submitting proposals online. A Cause Marketing Committee will review proposals and ensure that all potential partners are mission-centric and meet all our criteria. Approved cause marketing partnerships will be published on the “Marketplace” page of our website, along with a link for consumers to purchase the product or service.
Our first partnership under this new program is a perfect example of a mission-centric relationship — and it’s home grown. Dining for Women Chapter Leader Betsy Teutsch has recently released her book “100 Under $100, One Hundred Tools for Empowering Global Women”, and she has agreed to donate 30 percent (less transaction fees) from the sale of each book purchased through the link on our Marketplace page.
Shop with a purpose and support Dining for Women.