Featured program selections announced
We’ve selected the featured programs to round out the 2nd half of 2015. They focus predominantly on maternal and child health but there are also programs on environmental sustainability and girls’ education. Check out this interactive graphic.
By Laura Haight
DFW Communications
We’re excited to announce the six organizations that round out our slate of featured programs for 015. Health is the focus for the second half of this year, with programs addressing the critical issues of women’s reproductive health, safe pregnancy and birth and cervical cancer making up the majority of Dining for Women’s grants for the last six months of 2015.
Four of the six featured programs are firmly focused on women’s reproductive health.
“Focusing on maternal and child health is working,” notes DFW Program Director Dr. Veena Khandke. “A recent report to the UN showed that in high risk countries, efforts of the last five years have averted 2.4 million deaths.” But, she says, still millions more die from pregnancy complications. “It’s a number we can keep knocking down.”
In addition to the health related programs, a program to conserve the natural environment in Guatemala’s highlands and one that provides scholarships and supports to 100 girls in Nepal were also awarded grants. That total amount of the awarded grants is $683,540.
The slate:
- Muditar will provide health education, pre- and post-natal exams, and infant care to women of the 12 Pa-O tribal villages in Myanmar.
- Community Cloud Forest Conservation in Guatemala will empower and equip young Mayan women to be agents of change and to protect the natural environment.
- The Peter C. Alderman Foundation’s maternal health care program in Uganda will reach 10,000 women suffering from depression, anxiety, post-partum depression and other maternal mental health challenges.
- DB Peru will provide cervical cancer screenings to 500 women in an underserved and remote area of the Amazon.
- Hope through Health based in Togo, West Africa, will train community health workers and provide training and support on maternal and child healthcare.
- One hundred young girls will receive school scholarships in Nepal through the grant to the Little Sisters Fund.
In addition to these six programs, Dining for Women has also selected six programs for sustained funding. The sustained funding program provides a $60,000 grant, distributed over three years.
The sustained programs selected are:
- One Heart World-Wide, which focuses on maternal and neonatal health in Nepal.
- The Fistula Foundation, which will provide 135 life-altering surgeries in the Congo, Guinea and South Sudan.
- Emerge Global will support 60 Sri Lankan girls who have survived gender-based violencewhat with life skills, occupational training and support to reintegrate in their communities.
- Shining Hope for Communities in Kenya has an innovative in-kind transfer program to encourage women to utilize available pre- and post-natal services.
- Anchal teaches Indian women who wish to leave the commercial sex industry to become textile artisans.
- Starfish One by One is an holistic program in Guatemala that supports education for young Mayan women on every level.
- Nepal Youth Foundation will provide vocational training to young women who have been free from Kamlari, a practice of indentured servitude.