SHE (Sustainable Health Enterprises)

Project Title: Puberty Education and Menstrual Hygiene Management Education

Location: Rwanda

Grant Amount: $44,947

Grantee Website:

Areas of Impact: Education & Literacy, Health, Leadership Development

Mission of SHE (Sustainable Health Enterprises)
SHE invests in people and ideas that are typically overlooked (and often taboo) as vehicles of social and economic change.

SHE will manufacture and distribute 180,000 eco-friendly affordable go! pads to 10 schools to increase access to pads for 3,000 girls and provide menstrual hygiene management skill-based knowledge training for 50 teachers in the Kayonza district of Rwanda as well as Menstrual Hygiene Management education resources.

At these 10 schools 50 targeted teachers/personnel will be trained in puberty education and menstrual hygiene management in order to deliver after-school program modules to girls and boys with confidence. Girls, boys, parents and teachers will receive education resource materials.

Why We Love This
SHE rocks; SHE has an innovative solution to dealing with the systemic problem of affordable menstrual products in Rwanda. SHE's go! pad developed with the assistance of its partners from a patent-pending mechanical process, uses locally available banana fiber which is affordable, eco-friendly and provides jobs from the farmer to the pad assembler. SHE’s education campaign focuses on providing education to both boys and girls about puberty and menstrual hygiene. She aims to break the silence around menstrual taboos in schools.


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