
MamaBaby Haiti tackles critical maternal care needs

Haiti has the highest infant and maternal mortality rate in the Western Hemisphere, and the highest reported rate of cervical cancer in the world. Poverty and lack of education about their health and medical options, as well as a lack of providers, exacerbates the problems.

Enter MamaBaby Haiti, a 5-year-old organization started by a group of American midwives who went to Haiti to assist following the devastating earthquake of 2010.

MamaBaby Haiti is our featured program for April 2015. Our $44,996 grant will fund teaching aids, train staff in cervical cancer screenings and treatment, purchase equipment and supplies, providing testing for sexually transmitted infections, medication and hormonal contraception.

For more information about MamaBaby Haiti, review their program page and program fact sheet. You can learn more about Haitian customs and cuisine and review this month’s Proven Platter for a special take on a Haitian favorite.